What a summer for TSF! A few months of less-than-stellar administrative efforts meant that the club went a couple of months without the monthly review, but we managed.
In June, TSF finally figured out how to make beers that AREN'T clear and had some hazy beers. Darrel brewed a light hazy, which was a new attempt for him. Some of his infamous smokeater malt got knocked into the batch, though, so the smokiness that he's known for was still there. Brian brought out a wheat ale that was lacking a little bit in any distinct flavors, but seemed like a good base for his future attempts to add fruit to it. Lynsey brought out two wheat ales, a blackberry jalapeno wheat and a mango jalapeno wheat. The beers were good, but the jalapeno gave them a lot of green pepper. Serrano pepper is Lynsey's plan for next batch.
Club member Jeremy also hosted the club for a brew day in June where we brewed the world's clearest weissbier.
For July, we had our lawnmower beers. We had a few good ones, and Slava kept up the "why can't we brew hazy beers" reputation by bringing out a NEIPA that didn't have any haze.
August was the club's el dorado hop competition! We had 5 entrants, all IPAs. Mark brought out a trademark hop-forward double IPA brewed with kveik yeast and won a handcrafted mash paddle (made by club member Darrel). Slava and Darrel finished second and third, respectively.
Our September meeting was our first time testing out the new "informal meeting" format, and it went great! Darrel hosted, we brewed a beer and got an opportunity to talk about Darrel's brewing techniques, and we decided on our new meeting format.
Moving forward, we will be doing a formal / informal meeting structure. For October, we will be doing our "formal" meeting and will meet at House 6 Brewing on October 3rd. We'll be meeting at Tim's house for our November meeting and will be pressing apples and making a cider. Our "formal meetings" will be on the first Monday of the months they are planned and will be at House 6 Brewing. Our "informal meetings" will be decided on the month prior, and will typically be on a weekend. We'll look to take advantage of the at-home setup for informal meetings and will regularly be conducting some sort of homebrewing activity.
The club will discuss more in-depth on this new plan at the October meeting, so if you'd like to host one of the informal meetings, please let us know! We'll see everyone October 3rd, 6:00PM at House 6 Brewing.
