It's been a while! We will be meeting Sunday, October 22nd, at 1:00PM. We'll be meeting at Tim Simpkins' house (location in email), and he will be taking us through a day of cidermaking! Tim will have some hard cider that we made last year to sample, and there'll be some small snack foods. Please bring a milk or juice jug to take home some cider that is ready to ferment. You can expect to get at least a gallon of cider.
Like always, be sure to bring whatever you've been brewing; it has been a couple of months since we met, so we expect that there will be quite a few to try! We will also be talking about our meeting plans moving forward. Be sure to have a good idea of your availability in the future, if possible.
For our regular members, please respond with your in/out status. We would like to give Tim a heads up about how many people to expect.
We'll also send out a reminder email on Saturday to confirm the time and remind anyone who might have overlooked this email.
